Did you know that all types of dogs are infected with B .. !!!
Color blindness and myopia
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Your dog can feel the steps of your feet and may know your arrival as soon as he hears your car engine or the sound of your key chain, but he also sees you differently and this is what we will explain to you in this article and we will answer the question of how dogs see humans?
Dog eyes work a little differently from human eyes, but in the end, it is one of the important senses that helps your dog to communicate with his surrounding environment and to identify different variables in it.
Dogs do not see the world as brightly as the colors we do, things do not appear to them as clearly but they see things a little differently. But on the other hand, dogs see some things that we cannot see.
If you are interested in knowing how your dog sees the world around him, we offer you a set of amazing facts about dog eyes that you may not
have heard about before.